Helpful Links
New to the neighborhood and looking to understand which entities provide services? The district has created an at-a-glance snapshot, below — as well as a helpful document that is very detailed — outlining which entity does what in our community. Here you can learn more about our district, as well as the Stonegate North Village Metropolitan District, the Stonegate Owners Association and Douglas County. If you’re looking for specifics on which entity manages various recreational facilities, or where to turn for exterior paint colors, this guide will help!
Download: The WHO does WHAT within OUR COMMUNITY: Roles and Responsibilities Guide
The following utility information may be helpful for new residents as well.
- The water provider is Stonegate Village Metropolitan District
- The natural gas provider is Xcel energy
- The electric service provider is IREA
- The waste management company is provided in the HOA assessments for single-family homes
- Residents in multi-family homes have their waste management company bills managed through their sub-associations
The fire and police for the district are as follows:
- South Metro Fire District
- Stonegate North Villages Metropolitan District is not in the city of Parker, but rather unincorporated Douglas County. As such, please note we are in the jurisdiction of the Douglas County Sheriff for police matters